Thursday, Novembre 9th, Amphi ISTIL - Polytech (La Doua)
Lyon (France)

Welcome to the PhD Students' Congress website!

'Congrès des Doctorants' is the annual congress organized by the PhD students of the LGL-TPE and the CRAL to present their work to their lab and also to the students from Lyon 1 University and from the ENS.

When and where?

The congress will take place on La Doua campus (Lyon 1), at the ISTIL - Polytech amphi ; the map to go there is available on the tab 'Map'.

It will be an all-day event, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., Thursday November 9th 2023, coffee breaks and meals will be provided. The day schedule est available on the tab 'Booklet with planning of the day'.

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